"Scream", made in 1996, is the first of a four-film series of American slasher films. The first Scream follows the character 'Sidney' as she becomes the target of an unknown masked killer. This film resembles my chosen myth as the opening scene of Scream shows a young, vulnerable girl being terrorized by the masked man through the phone, before brutally murdering her. Yet again they both differ as this time, the phone is used as a communication device to let the victim's parents know their daughter is being killed.
The victim this time, portrayed by Drew Barrymore, is a young, blonde, high-school student. Her hair is styled short with a full fringe, falling just below her jawline, framing her face and giving her a very youthful look. Her styling options are very plain and typical of a 90's high-school student, making her character easy to sympathize and relate with. Her make-up was natural and archetypal of a teenage girl, however due to the nature of the story line, her character shows a clear decline. Her face becomes tear and sweat-stained, her complexion becomes paler and the light application of mascara and eyeliner smudges as she continues to be tormented by the antagonizer. This relates to the young girl in the myth and I can incorporate these make-up techniques used in similar situations to inspire my music video characters.
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